SEASON 2024/2025

With reference to the current calendar year 2024, following institutional agreements established with EURES, the Salzburg Chamber of Commerce (WKS), the Austrian National Employment Agency (AMS), the selection of 60 professionals in the area is formalized of dining room, to be included in the Austrian labor market of the Salzburg Region for the winter season 2024/2025.

The mandatory requirements for participation in the project selection are:
1. Hospitality diploma or proven experience in the kitchen and / or dining room;
2. Compulsory participation in the free A1 / A2 German course or holding a German language certificate.

The A1 and A2 German courses will be free and will last 20 days each and 60 hours per month, for a total of 40 days and 120 hours, starting on October and November 2024, in accordance with the availability of the hotel and training institutes. Once both courses have been completed, the professionals will leave during the month of December, with destination the Region of Salzburg and will be placed directly at the requesting facilities, for the winter season 2024/2025. The employment contract, depending on the request, can make use of both the fixed term (winter season) and the indefinite period (depending on the request of the professional and / or the host structure) of 5 or 6 days a week and 40 or 48 hours weekly.

The contractual form includes board, lodging, national health insurance and all the benefits of the host structure.
The required professionals of 60 (minimum 50), with 80% cooking and 20% dining training, will undergo a pre-contractual form with the Austrian institutions before the German courses take place.

A tutoring service will be provided to all professionals, both during the German courses and during the working season in Austria.

The departure for Austria will be organized in groups starting in December.

The company ensures the professionalism and diligence of specialist and professional assignments, and also provides insurance coverage for professionals, who by virtue of the execution of employment contracts.