On the day Thursday, September 26, 2019, at 10:00 am, at The State Institute for Wine and Food Services and Hospitality Hoteliers “U. Of Pasca “of, power has been officially presented the” Young chefs in Salzburg “project. The project, promoted by Dr. Andrea Atena (representative of the Austrian Chamber of Commerce), in collaboration with the Region of Basilicata, EURES, ARLAB and AMS.
On the day of the presentation was attended by the true target of the operation, that is a significant group of young graduates of hotel schools interested in the project. They also attended by some professionals, teachers and headmasters of hotel Institutes of Basilicata.
The Head teacher Dr. Mazzatura, headmaster of Power Hospitality, the school project leader, welcomed the Director General ARLAB, the Director of the Employment Centers of Basilicata and other partners: the EURES contact Basilicata, and the Austrian delegation with representatives of the AMS by Dr. Thomas Burgstaller, Chamber of Commerce of Salzburg, and some companies that will host the young chef.
At the head of the Austrian delegation, led by Dr. Andrea Atena, who coached the boys and publicly present the complete project, it spoke Zettinig Friedrich, outgoing mayor of the City of Bad Hofgastein (Salzburg).
Significant moment of the day, in the afternoon, it was illustrating the beauties and resources of the Gastein Valley area (area of the province of Salzburg, where will fall big part of the requested personnel) by the Friedrich Zettinig mayor, and presentation some accommodation that welcomed the young chefs of Basilicata and surrounding areas. The strengths of the area are related to mountain tourism, spa and winter sports.
Ms Alexandra Hartl, Human Resources dell’Johannesbad Hotel Palace Bad Hofgastein, described the favorable contract terms and the benefits paid to young chefs who are hired wiring recommendations. The young chef is required a strong motivation to learn and a basic knowledge of German and English.
The success of this day presentation is due to the interest shown by the young participants and graduates affirmation by all the project partners of the will to implement effective action with enthusiasm for the sector of employment of young people of Basilicata and southern Italy.